4SPACE wins the Golden European Award in Barcelona

4SPACE wins the Golden European Award in Barcelona

4Space wins the Golden European Award for Quality and Business Prestige for outstanding business achievements in interior design sphere.

4Space Wins Award at 2016 World Business Assembly

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Amjad hourieh-4space-wins-golden-european-award

4space wins the award at the World Business Assembly Conference of Leaders and the Socrates Award Ceremony, 2016, took place on 26th and 27th March, 2016 in Hotel Claris Grand Luxe Barcelona.

Participants from more than 15 countries attended the event, World leaders in different fields of knowledge, including business, politics, and science, met at the annual conference and award ceremony to show, the newest achievements in the above mentioned areas.

The Conference of Leaders gathered a wide variety of cultures and it was attended by leading professionals from all five continents. Thus, it gave outstanding opportunities for the participants to network, to benchmark their activities and to look for new partners abroad.


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The competition was fierce and 4Space showed great dedication to and excellence in interior design field.

It was an honor for 4Space to receive such recognition in the interior design consultancy services sphere-United Arab Emirates-Dubai

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